Friday, December 22, 2023

Old Bethpage Village Restoration

I went to the Old Bethpage Village Restoration for one of their candlelight evenings. It's a really fun place. I'm going to write more eventually, but here's some stuff. Surprisingly, there was not a lot of light during the 18th century which made taking pictures and videos tons of fun. And no, I really was not about to use the camera flash in a whole church full of people. I think this looks better anyway.


Some music for you.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

First Day Back

My first day on break. Pretty nice. I woke up at around 14:30, kinda just did whatever for the next two hours. By that time, it was already getting dark because winter. My dad and I went to get food for dinner, and we got pizza. Overall, pretty solid Sunday. I'll see if I can connect the Wii or the PlayStation 2 to my computer monitor and play some games tonight.

How I've missed the taste of NY pizza...


Saturday, December 16, 2023


Well, I'm back home. For about a month. And it feels great.

After this hellish semester, it's great to be back in my own room and in my own bed. But how did I get here? Allow me to tell you all about it.

Dad came down to Virginia on Friday and we packed up the van together. Wasn't too bad. I was trying to avoid bringing literally everything I owned home. Even after leaving my keyboard and TV in the apartment, I still made two trips down and back to the car. After eating a scrumptious feast at Taco Bell, we went back to the hotel to get ready for the long-ass drive in the morning.

It's Saturday. Dad and I left the hotel and started the almost 6 hour drive back up to New York around 09:00 this morning. I took this picture of the sun rising above the parking lot. 

After a stop at a 7-Eleven, we were off. 

Do not stop for gas in New Jersey. The lines are too long.

Ah yes...that puts me in a good mood.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Peace of Mind

It's almost break. It's 01:49 in the morning, and I still have stuff to pack up. In a few hours, I'm going to be loading up my stuff into the van with my dad and driving back up to New York. My last Winter Break as a college student has arrived. I'm too tired to write this whole blog post right now, so here's some pictures from tonight. My friends from my a cappella group went to Texas Roadhouse tonight, and then we went back to one of my friend's houses and sat around the fire for a bit. It was a great way to end the semester.